5 Simple Steps for Weight Loss 

Losing weight can be hard and there is so much information out there now, and so much of that information is often conflicting and incredibly overwhelming - it makes it seem so complicated -  BUT it doesn’t need to be. If you’re unsure of how to begin your weight loss journey, here are five simple steps that you can take to get started. 

  1. Limit processed foods: I guarantee that you will always want to eat more than the suggested serving size, processed foods are designed to make you want to eat more,  they generally have a high calorie content, and they do not provide much in terms of nutritional value.

  2.  Limit your intake of liquid calories: Soft drinks, juice, and alcohol are the most common culprits. These drinks most often do not hydrate you and are increasing your calorie intake. 

  3.  Eat protein at every meal: Building each meal around protein helps you feel full so you’re less likely to have that late afternoon chocolate craving!

  4.  Keep your mind busy: Having work, projects, or hobbies to focus on prevents mindless eating. If you’re bored at work or sitting on the couch all day you’re more likely to snack mindlessly on high calorie foods. 

  5.  Be active: That doesn’t necessarily mean making it to the gym every day. It can be as simple as getting out and taking the dog for a walk, cleaning the house, or raking leaves. These are all great forms of exercise too! The key is to find an activity or form of exercise that you enjoy doing.


I know these things sound very basic, but believe me, it’s the basics that make the difference.  Focus on these five things and you will be creating some really great habits that will go a long way to helping you achieve your weight loss goals.