Weight loss

5 Simple Steps for Weight Loss 

5 Simple Steps for Weight Loss 

Losing weight can be hard and there is so much information out there now, and so much of that information is often conflicting and incredibly overwhelming - it makes it seem so complicated - BUT it doesn’t need to be. If you’re unsure of how to begin your weight loss journey, here are five simple steps that you can take to get started.

Zucchini Slice

Zucchini Slice

I have a veggie packed recipe to share with you today!

This is my spin on zucchini slice. I love zucchini slice, I like to make it on the weekend or when I have a day off, slice it up into portions and freeze it so I have a healthy meal ready to take to work, or after a busy day when I don’t feel like cooking.

To make this recipe even easier to prepare, I used my food processor to grate the zucchini, carrots, and broccoli. You can use a hand grater if you don’t have a food processor it will just take a bit longer.

How to Count Your Macros (Part 2)

How to Count Your Macros (Part 2)

In my last blog post I explained how to calculate your macros, if you haven’t read it yet, click here to read it first because today we’re going to put those numbers you calculated into action.

Before we get started, here are some tips:

TIP 1: Don’t stress about getting your macros exactly right. Use them as ballpark figures vs. trying to be perfect and hitting them exactly. Think of this as a process of learning, rather than something you have to master right out of the gate.

TIP 2: If you don’t already have an online food journal, you’ll want to create an account at one of the free sites (like MyFitnessPal, Cronometer, FitBit) since they have databases of nutrition info for almost any food.

TIP 3: It’s easier to plan your meals/macros ahead of time. Otherwise, you can be left with a weird configuration at the end of the day, wondering what you can eat to hit your numbers.

How to Count Your Macros (Part 1)

How to Count Your Macros (Part 1)

Calculating and counting your macros is a tool that you can use that is all about flexible eating to help get you the results you want.

It works very similar to calorie counting which I have written about before, (you can check out those posts here and here). It works whether you want to gain weight, lose weight, maintain your weight, or try clean eating – without following a strict menu plan.

It might seem a little complicated at first, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll see that it is actually quite easy!

Two Easy Ways to Start Counting Calories

Two Easy Ways to Start Counting Calories

Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle or you just want to get healthy, counting your calories can be a very useful tool to help you stay on track and to gain awareness of just how much you are eating.

If you have read my post about the 'The benefits of food tracking' and you have decided that it sounds right for you. The next step is learning how to actually start.

There are many ways that you can go about counting calories. The easiest way is to use an app like my fitness pal.

Simple and Tasty Lunch Ideas

Simple and Tasty Lunch Ideas

Do you struggle with what to bring to work that’s healthy, easy-to-make, and tastes great.

I think there’s one key to having a plan for your lunches... and it’s to keep it as simple as possible! 

My two go-to lunch choices are either leftovers from dinner the night before, or putting together a full-meal salad that I can keep in either a mason jar or another similar container. 

My salads will usually always include nuts, greens, chopped veggies, fetta, and even some fruit like pomegranate seeds or chopped up mango, depending on what I have on-hand. 

'This program has changed my everyday habits and lifestyle for the better'

'This program has changed my everyday habits and lifestyle for the better'

I have been working with Danielle since January, she has been working hard for her results and has had a few ups and downs along her journey as she is a working mum to two very full-on little boys. So as you can imagine she does not have a lot of spare time to dedicate to working out or preparing meals, we have had to make sure that her training program fit into her busy schedule and that she had some go-to healthy meals that are quick and easy to prepare.

Why counting calories may not be right for you

Why counting calories may not be right for you

Calorie counting can definitely be a useful tool for you to use, but is it right for you?  There are many benefits to it, which you can read about here, but there can also be some negatives as well.  I am going to go over these for you so you can make up your own mind as to whether it would be beneficial for you to use as part of your health and fitness journey or not.

The Benefits of Food Tracking

The Benefits of Food Tracking

In this post I am going to write about the benefits of counting calories to help you reach your goals.

Counting calories and tracking your intake gives you a good picture of where your are currently at compared to where you need to be to achieve your goal.  A lot of people eat more than what they realize, and before you start making changes to your eating habits, it is important to know where you are starting from.