How to make time for workouts during the holidays

We all know how crazy things can get during the holiday season, everyone gets so busy this time of year and most of the time, the first thing to get dropped from a busy schedule are your workouts, right?

But it is ABSOLUTELY possible to make time for exercise, even with the busiest schedule. 

Here’s why making time for your workouts this time of year is more than worth it:

First, it’s so much easier to maintain a habit, like working out, than it is trying to create a NEW habit. Have you ever taken a break from your workouts, and then found it so hard to start back up again? I know I have.

Second, exercise can help keep your immune system charged up, helping you battle cold and flu viruses you come into contact with.

Third, it’s one of the best natural mood-boosters there is! Finishing a great workout can help elevate your mood for hours.

Fourth, you’ll have more energy and sleep better, which is always a plus.

Fifth, it’s good for your long-term health and well-being, cutting your risk of certain diseases. 

There’s actually a lot more, but you get the point. It’s so important to make fitness a priority in your life … and get it on your schedule!

Have you ever heard the saying, “Show me your calendar, and I’ll show you what your priorities are?” 

It’s so true!

So here are four workouts that can be completed in 20 minutes or less and they can be done anywhere - no gym required.  Remember to always warm up first with some light exercise and always cool down after.

Workout 1

Tabata - the idea with a Tabata style workout is to go as hard as you can for the 20 seconds of work, while still keeping good form of course, and rest for 10 seconds in between movements.  It is supposed to be short but intense. 

Complete 4 rounds

Squats - 20 seconds

Rest - 10 seconds

Pushups - 20 seconds

Rest -10 sec

Jumping lunges - 20 sec

Rest - 10 seconds

Workout 2

Perform as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes

20 Squats

20 Glute bridges

20 Reverse lunges (10 each leg)

20 Mountain climbers (10 each leg)

Workout 3

4 rounds for time

This workout requires a sturdy chair, step or bench. Set a timer, perform 4 rounds of the circuit and record your time.

20 Skater jumps

10 Step ups (each leg)

20 Alternating side lunges

10 Push ups

Workout 4

Perform each exercise for 1 minute and then move on to the next with as little rest as possible between for 2-3 rounds.


Star jumps


High knees

Alternating lunges

Mountain climbers

I hope you found this helpful and please if you try any of the workouts, leave a comment and let me know what you thought.

How to Make Time for Workouts During the Holidays.png