What is online Personal Training?

What exactly is Online Personal Training and how does it work?

I get asked this question a lot, but even more now since the outbreak of the Coronavirus and with gyms being shut down.

I am writing this post to let you know how I go about online training, I have been doing it for over a year now.

How does online training work?

I have a range of different ways that I work with people online to help them achieve their fitness goals.

  1. One on One training sessions using a video call, whether that is via skype, zoom, or just as simple as a video call in Messenger. 

This option works very similar to a more traditional session with a personal trainer.  I am there to guide you through the workout, I can show you how to perform each exercise then watch you do it.  This way I can make sure you are using good form and performing the exercise correctly.  I can give instant feedback if any corrections need to be made or if a movement is not suitable I can make adjustments as we go through the workout - just like if you were training with me in person!

  1. A fully customised training plan that gets updated weekly as needed.  Here you are provided with a training program that is customised especially for you based on your goals and what equipment you have available to you.

All of the training programs are delivered to you on my training app, and this is also where we keep track of your progress.

You can also message me any time to ask questions about your program or anything that you need help with.  

This option is convenient for a lot of people as they can do their workouts any time of the day that suits them best. 

This can also be combined with the video call option if you feel like you need more guidance in your training sessions.

  1. Transformation Challenges: I also run a transformation challenge called “The Little Black Dress Project”.  This one is specifically for the ladies! 

It is a six-week transformation challenge designed to help women become more self-confident, lose weight, and celebrate being a strong and sexy woman.

In this program, you get access to 6 weeks of recipes, a sample meal guide, sample grocery lists, success manual, daily motivational emails, a private Facebook group, and a personalised training program for the six-weeks delivered on my training app. 

I only run this challenge at certain times of the year, so if you are interested in joining for the next round - email me at slp.sarahpye@gmail.com for more information.

Why Online Personal Training?

Now I know you are most likely thinking ‘why would I choose an online personal trainer? 

Well, there are many benefits to having an online trainer. As I mentioned above, you can do your training sessions at any time of the day that suits you best.  No trying to work around both your schedule as well as your trainers, and you don’t have to worry about the gyms opening and closing hours either - in fact, you don’t even need to go to the gym at all if you don’t want to, your program can be tailored to be done anywhere and with whatever equipment you have available to you, even if that is only your body weight.

Another huge benefit is accountability.  Not only do you receive a custom training program, but you can send me a message at any time if you have any questions if you need any advice or guidance, or if you are struggling with anything and I will get back to you as soon as I can, which is usually within a couple of hours. That is a lot more support and accountability than you would get from just working out with your trainer once a week or so.

Those are the main benefits you will get from working with me online in a customised one on one program.  You also get all of these benefits from the transformation challenge as well as the added community feel from being a part of the private challenge only members Facebook group.

I hope this has helped you to understand a bit more about what Online Personal Training actually is and how it can help you reach your fitness goals, keep you accountable and is much more convenient than training with a trainer in the gym.

If you do want any more information, just send me an email at slp.sarahpye@gmail.com or drop a comment below!

Also if you would like to check out my free ebooks - click here.

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