Two Simple Ways to Track your Food Without Counting Calories

So, you have decided counting calories is not for you… Now what?

Here are two methods to help you reach your goals that are easy and don't require any counting.

The first method is to simply just write down what you are eating, approximate portion sizes, the time of day and any other information that you might find useful, such as how certain foods made you feel, energy levels etc. This method still takes a little bit of time but is very useful to help figure out where improvements can be made or how foods can affect your moods or energy. My favourite way to do this is to use a Google sheets template, that way you can easily copy and paste meals that you eat regularly to make it a bit quicker and you can set it up to record any information you want to keep track of.

The second method is a super simple guide to keeping your portion sizes in check and making sure each meal is balanced.

Use your hands as a guide.

One portion of protein is the size of your palm, a portion of carbohydrate is equal to the size of your fist, a serve of vegetables is two cupped hands, and a serving of fat is equal to the size of your thumb. This method is simple and easy to follow no matter where you are because your hands are always with you.

Now, HOW MANY portions you need each day will depend on your size, your activity level and your goals.

You may start with 2 serves of vegetables and protein, 1-2 servings of carbohydrate and 1 serving of fat at each meal. If you are not getting the results you are after - adjust accordingly.

If you would like to work with me for more personalized help and guidance on your journey to health and fitness send me an email or fill out my application form here.

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